
Today kicks off 16 Days of Activism against Violence against Women.

You can join the movement by sharing the graphic above or the letter below from the Coordinator of our Rethinking Power, Daphney Jacques:

Dear Friend,

As the Coordinator of Beyond Borders’ partner program Rethinking Power, I know firsthand that violence against women and girls puts the brakes on development. But in this work, which brings together people from all walks of life,

I’ve witnessed how balancing power between men and women is the best way to create communities without violence.

If Haiti–and the world–were free of this violence, here’s what I’m sure you’d see:

  • Better educated women, including higher literacy rates and more women in academia.
  • More women in the workplace, where they would receive dignified living wages and be present in the halls of power.
  • Healthier families, where births are planned and more fathers are present.

– More women who fully believe in themselves, and feel free and safe everyday.

I’m pretty busy these days. Today we’re joining the launch of 16 Days of Activism, a global movement to raise awareness about violence against women and girls. Over the next few days we’ll be presenting at a roundtable hosted by the Ministry of Women’s Affairs, broadcasting our soap opera dramas over Haiti’s radio stations, and working with our partners to get more people in communities engaged in our work.

I encourage you, as well, to join the movement. Share this message with those in your network, and find out what you can do in your area to get involved over the next 16 days.

Once the 16 Days are over, I’ll be sure to let you know how they went. Until then, spread the word of our efforts. This isn’t just a women’s issue, it’s a global problem and a serious violation of human rights. Human rights cannot exist in the absence of respect for women’s rights.

Mèsi anpil (thank you very much),

Daphney Jaques

Rethinking Power Coordinator

Beyond Borders

P.S. We’re only 9 days away from #GivingTuesday. This is the single best day to give because it puts us in the running for $15,000 from the Razoo Foundation for whoever raises the most money on that day. You can get ahead of the game by giving today (https://bit.ly/17kTCrQ), and checking the box that says “Make my donation count for #GivingTuesday.”

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