Ever wonder what a child in restavèk slavery might be doing right now? What about when you’re at work? School? In this infographic (below), we compare the life of a Haitian child in school to one in slavery./
If you’re as moved by it as we are, please consider a gift. We’re $12,000 short of our goal, and the campaign is ending on Oct. 15!
If you give today, every dollar will be matched thanks to our generous supporter Equitas.
We also encourage you to share this infographic on social media or via e-mail to raise awareness about the reality that nearly 300,000 Haitian children face.
Children–mostly girls–in restavèk are forced to work every waking hour and sleep on the floor or even outside. Physical and sexual abuse are common. Let’s work together to make this horrible form of slavery a thing of the past.
In constant gratitude and appreciation,
The Beyond Borders Team