I hope this finds you and your loved ones doing well. We are so grateful for your thoughts, prayers, and support as we prepare for an explosion of COVID-19 cases and a potentially catastrophic impact in Haiti.
I’m writing with the latest numbers, what we’ve done so far, and an urgent request to give. Your gift will have double the impact as all gifts are being matched by a group of generous donors.
Here’s the latest:
- 74 confirmed infections, 769 suspected cases, and six deaths officially reported. (Numbers are believed to be much higher, as COVID-19 testing is very limited.)
- It is estimated that 86% of Haitians could become infected — with hundreds of thousands requiring hospitalization and tens of thousands of deaths.
- Rising food prices across the country and a drought on Lagonav Island are contributing to a sharp increase in food insecurity and hunger.
- Reports of physical and sexual violence against women and children – particularly girls – in the home are starting to surface.
Our response so far:
- In Port-au-Prince, Jacmel, and Lagonav Island we’ve distributed more than 2,400 hygiene kits.
- We’ve supplied Lagonav’s main hospital and several smaller clinics with more than 1,000 gallons of disinfectant.
- We’ve provided financial assistance to 110 vulnerable families on Lagonav to keep food on the table.
- Tuesday, skilled members of our networks in Port-au-Prince, Jacmel, and Lagonav will begin sewing the first batch of 4,000 face masks.
- We are preparing messages and tools designed to raise awareness and change behavior around the risk of increased violence against women and children, which often spikes in times of crisis, and members of our network are supporting survivors as they report cases of abuse.
The situation is critical. The time to act is NOW. Haiti will soon be hit hard. We cannot afford to wait.
Will you join us in this collective effort to help more Haitian families get the critical resources they need to prepare for and survive this pandemic?
We need to raise at least $250K. I’m confident that — when everyone pitches in and with the matching funds committed — we can do it.
Saving lives in Haiti tomorrow requires immediate action today. Please give now.
With appreciation,
Kristie van de Wetering
Deputy Executive Director | Beyond Borders
PS – Your gift is matched right now at: https://donate.beyondborders.net/COVID-19