Families on Lagonav Island who are part of Beyond Borders' anti-poverty initiative.

Beyond Borders’ Executive Director David Diggs (center) with staff and families on Lagonav Island who are part of our Family Sponsorship Program.

  Here are the six elements of the Family Sponsorship Program that empowers families to lift themselves out of extreme poverty:

— Assets to make a living with, for example goats, mules or other livestock, or goods to start an informal store.

— Training on how to manage the new assets.

— Initial cash support to reduce the need to sell the new asset in an emergency.

— Weekly coaching visits to reinforce skills, build confidence and help participants handle any challenges.

— Health education and access to healthcare to stay healthy and able to work.

— A savings account at their local village savings and loan to help save money to invest or use in a future emergency.

Click on the story below to read more about how it works:

Graduation Model Story

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