Since the launch of our program in 2010, the silence that often surrounds violence against women & girls is disappearing and women & men are learning new, healthy ways to interact.
Thanks to the generous support of donors like you, our work to end violence against women and girls is showing real results.
We use the SASA!* method of community activism, which is now proven effective to prevent violence against women and girls. A recent study** in Uganda found intimate partner violence was 52% lower and support for survivors of violence was more frequent in communities where SASA! is present.
We’ve also seen equally positive results. In the five communities in Haiti where we work, we’ve found:
- A 52% decrease in the number of people who say it’s a woman’s fault if a man rapes her.
- 96% of people now believe a man doesn’t have a right to slap his wife when he is angry with her.
- In the last two years, there’s been a 16% increase in people who are speaking out against violence in their communities. That means now about 39,600 people are speaking out!
- Unequal power relationships are at the root of violence against women. 1 out of 3 men who reported having more power in their relationship than their partner in 2012 now say they no longer have this disproportionate amount of power. This indicates real shifts in power relationships between women and men!
These results are only the beginning! With your generous support, we can expand our work and achieve even greater results. Thank you for your commitment to Haiti and your support for ending violence against women & girls.
Watch this video to hear Beyond Borders’ Sara Siebert talk about how we use the SASA! methodology to end violence against women & girls in Haiti.
*Learn more about the SASA! methodology, created by Raising Voices in Uganda. Visit .
** The study was conducted by Raising Voices and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Click here to read the full study results.