Double your power to free a child in slavery!

All across America, young children are sharpening their pencils, cracking open fresh new notebooks, and heading back to school.

But in rural communities throughout Haiti, something very different is happening.

Children who are too poor to go to school and who have no access to schools are being sent away to cities. But instead of better access to education, many get trapped in a life of servitude – a modern form of child slavery called restavèk.

People like you are changing this story. Watch how.

Thanks for all you do to promote liberty, dignity and hope for the people of Haiti.


David Diggs, Director

P.S. It’s only 5 days until the launch of our back-to-school#SchoolsNotSlavery campaign. If this video inspires you, you can be one of the first to join the campaign and help us unlock dollar-for-dollar matching funds from our generous sponsor, Equitas.

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