by Beyond Borders | May 13, 2020 | Fundraisers & Events, Our Blog, Uncategorized, Volunteers & Friends
I wasn’t feeling that bad when I called my doctor’s office last Friday. I didn’t expect them to instruct me to quarantine from my family and get tested for the coronavirus on Monday. They say that what you don’t know can’t hurt you and...
by Beyond Borders | May 8, 2020 | Fundraisers & Events, Our Blog, Uncategorized, Volunteers & Friends
When Beyond Borders put out a call for seamstresses and tailors within our network, Fabiola jumped to the front of the line.Well aware of the danger the coronavirus presents to her family, her community, and her country, Fabiola was still eager for the chance to help...
by Beyond Borders | Apr 28, 2020 | Fundraisers & Events, Our Blog, Uncategorized, Volunteers & Friends
A girl in Jacmel receives a hygiene kit from a Beyond Borders team member. I hope this finds you and your loved ones doing well. We are so grateful for your thoughts, prayers, and support as we prepare for an explosion of COVID-19 cases and a potentially catastrophic...
by Beyond Borders | Apr 21, 2020 | Our Blog, Uncategorized, Volunteers & Friends
U.S. must stop deportations to Haiti: Deportations now during a global pandemic is Trump’s cruel, and usual, punishment of Haitians April 20, 2020 We the undersigned are concerned about the health and human rights of Haitian immigrants and denounce the Trump...
by Beyond Borders | Apr 11, 2020 | Our Blog, Uncategorized, Volunteers & Friends
I often begin email messages saying that “I hope you’re well.” I do sincerely hope that you and your family are well, and feel that this hope is a much bigger investment now in the midst of this pandemic. It’s not just the virus that threatens our well-being...
by Beyond Borders | Mar 13, 2020 | Our Blog, Uncategorized, Volunteers & Friends
I’m writing to share with you the actions that we are taking now to help people in Haiti prepare for COVID-19 (coronavirus). While we are unaware of any confirmed cases in Haiti at this point, we have little confidence that anyone with symptoms would be able to find a...